
News Archives



April 24, 2021 今天是中国航天日(纪念1970年4月24日我国首颗人造卫星东方红一号发射成功), 特新增天文小测验:你能写出我国星官中的二十八宿吗?

Jan. 19, 2021 新教程:推箱快手中,“互动双推”的妙用 (作者:愉翁先生)

Jan. 18, 2021 新教程:推箱子中的“网锁” (作者:愉翁先生)

Jan. 13, 2021 新教程:什么是“逆推” (作者:愉翁先生)

Jan. 13, 2021 新教程:带你去“穿越” (作者:愉翁先生)

September 14, 2020 《推箱快手》(BoxMan) Windows 平台 版本 2.9 和 安卓平台 版本 9.99f 发布。

May 8, 2020 《推箱快手》(BoxMan) Windows 平台 版本 2.5 发布。

March 3, 2020 《推箱快手》(BoxMan) Windows 平台 版本 2.4 发布。

November 16, 2019 《推箱快手》 (BoxMan)更新至版本9.98。

August 31, 2019 《推箱快手》 (BoxMan)更新至版本9.96。

August 31, 2019 继史上最强安卓系统推箱子程序 《推箱快手》 之后, 愉翁先生又推出了 Windows 版本的推箱子 《关卡编辑器》

Apr. 6, 2019 20603兄开了新浪博客: 邹永忠的仓库

Apr. 6, 2019 为庆祝比赛十周年,邹先生为第122期特别设计了《十年树木》关卡!

Mar 30, 2019 《推箱快手》更新至版本9.94。

Mar 29, 2019 邹永忠: 《推箱子游戏中半位空间的奇偶属性与磁铁效应》

Mar 4, 2019 《推箱快手》更新至版本9.93。

Feb 1, 2019 《推箱快手》更新至版本9.92。

Jan 29, 2019《推箱快手》毫无疑问已经成为最好的推箱子软件之一。请看软件作者愉翁先生讲述快手的故事

Jan 25, 2019 《推箱快手》更新至版本9.91。

Dec 8, 2018 《推箱快手》更新至版本9.89。

July 22, 2018 SteamCN论坛上有一篇非常好的介绍推箱子游戏的文章 《推箱子的历史,理论研究和衍生游戏介绍》,推荐阅读。

Mar. 7, 2018 To celebrate the 9th anniversary, there are 4 levels for the 109th competition. 为庆祝比赛九周年,第109期特别推出一期四关!

Jan. 8, 2018 西部飞狐《“信以为真”关卡诞生记》

July 14, 2017 To celebrate the 100th competition, a new wallpaper is created by Xiaomao. Click here to download the wallpaper.

July 4, 2017 To celebrate the 100th competition, we present a SPECIAL level – a hundred flowers bloom – at http://sokoban.org. 推箱子

May 24, 2017 《推箱快手》更新到版本5.71,并且已经开源。感谢愉翁先生为大家提供了如此优秀的推箱子程序。

May 4, 2017 我的一篇与推箱子相关的学术论文《SNOWMAN is PSPACE-complete》5月2日正式发表, 从发表日起50天内 可在Elsevier网站上免费下载: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1U~4b15DaHuwaY

April 24, 2017 《推箱快手》更新到版本5.61。《推箱子加加(Soko++)》更新到版本1.21。

April 3, 2017 愉翁开发的《推箱快手》更新至版本5.39。

March 27, 2017 One of the organizers of the MF8 Sokoban Competition, Dr. Chao Yang, has just published an academic article about the computational complexity of a Sokoban-like puzzle, in the journal Theoretical Computer Science. See here for more information.

Feb. 4, 2017 由于parse.com云数据存储服务关闭,《SokoPlayer HTML5》云存储功能失效,其余功能正常。

Jan. 15, 2017 新增安卓推箱子APP《推箱快手》下载,感谢愉翁开发。

April 27, 2016 新增教程逆推模式(作者:anian)。 新增stopheart教程《推箱子实战图说之双向掘进》(PDF文件)。 新增千屈译菜教程《推箱子新手之路》

April 15, 2016 推箱子比赛七周年。7th anniversary of MF8 Sokoban Competition.

April 8, 2016 推箱子比赛诗选

July 28, 2015 laizhufu的经典推箱博客,整理历年十大关卡。

April 8, 2015 《SokoPlayer HTML5》关卡编辑模式增加“数空位”功能。

July 25, 2014 手机扫一扫二维码关注本站微信公众号。

July 8, 2014 MF8推箱子比赛60期特刊

May 7, 2014《HTML5地理小测验》新增佛山市

April 19, 2014 stopheart:《五年随感》

April 18, 2014 anian:《五年随感》

Mar 20, 2014《HTML5地理小测验》新增深圳市

Feb 17, 2014 安卓《推箱子加加》更新到版本1.11。

Feb 12, 2014 新增推箱子文档下载页面。

Feb 11, 2014[PDF文件] sokoban.org发关卡指南

Feb 9, 2014 网站新增手机版页面。

Feb 5, 2014 关卡搜索工具 《SokoFind》 发布中文版v2.0.2

Feb 3, 2014 关卡搜索工具 《SokoFind》 新版本v2.0.1,主要是解决程序莫名崩溃问题。

Jan 27, 2014 Best levels of 2013 (2013年推箱子关卡精选)

Sep 9, 2013 《HTML5地理小测验》新增四个国家(地区):托克劳(Tokelau)、中非共和国(Central African Republic)、 加蓬(Gabon)和马里(Mali)。

July 26, 2013 We provide REST APIs to fetch the competition levels and submission lists from our website. 新增可获取推箱子比赛数据的API,详情下载API中文说明文档

Mar 30, 2013 SokoPlayer HTML5 updated. Faster path-finding algorithm.

Mar 10, 2013《HTML5地理小测验》新增广州市

Feb 23, 2013《HTML5地理小测验》新增广东省。 你能在150秒内写出广东省的21个地级市的名字吗?

Jan 29, 2013 Starting from the 43rd competition, we will have two levels for each competition. Players can submit solutions to either or both of the levels.

Jan 13, 2013 新增《HTML5图论小工具》

Dec 27, 2012 We added yet another domain name http://sokoban.org for our site.

Dec 5, 2012 Reverse Mode has been added to SokoPlayer HTML5.

Nov 16, 2012 A new Sokoban program sokoban.py is released.

Nov 11, 2012 启用新域名 http://sokoban.cn,原域名 sokoban.ws 继续有效。

We begin using the domain name http://sokoban.cn, and sokoban.ws will continue to work.

Oct 21, 2012 新增推箱子程序《睿斗推箱子》,由随风而逝(风过Liao无痕)开发。

Oct 10, 2012 新增在线工具lurd2xsb,由西北天狼编写。

August 30, 2012 HTML5 地理小测验新增加拿大。 Can you name all the provinces and territories of Canada?

August 22, 2012 A Chrome extension for SokoPlayer HTML5 has been released.

August 20, 2012 SokoPlayer HTML5 extension for Firefox browser. With this extension, you can copy an XSB level from webpages (at forums or in web mails) into the online SokoPlayer HTML5 directly. Install this extension from the official Add-ons for Firefox, or from our site. See also the screenshot here.

July 20, 2012 SokoPlayer HTML5 updated. Two buttons are added for the edit mode to clear targets and clear boxes, respectively.

July 17, 2012 SokoPlayer HTML5 updated. A ‘Send Email’ button is added. On click, it will open your default email client to write a new email, with the email body filled with the current level and solution, and the subject filled with ‘[SokoPlayer HTML5]’. You can also set the recipient. To do this, input the email address to the big textarea and click the ‘@’ button to the right of the ‘Send Email’ button. You only need to set the email address once, and it will be always used as recipient after that unless you reset it.

July 13, 2012 USokoban 0.0.12 released. Compress the solutions using zlib before saving to the database.

July 11, 2012 USokoban 0.0.11 released. Simple solution management is added with the help of SQLite library.

July 9, 2012 SokoPlayer HTML5 updated. Using the HTML5 ‘audio’ tag, sound effect is added. Check the ‘sound’ checkbox to enable the sound effect. Whenever you solve a level, the ‘ovation’ sound is played. When you click a floor square that the pusher cannot move to, or the selected box cannot be pushed to, the ‘uhoh’ sound is played.

June 17, 2012 Soko++ by Joris Wit, the best Sokoban App for Android, is updated to version 1.6. Download it from the official Google Play, or from the mirror of this site.

May 29, 2012 I have verified that USokoban can be compiled from source code for the PC-BSD/FreeBSD operating system almost without any modifications.

May 24, 2012 由荆先生(gyjgw)赞助,从34期起,设立幸运话费奖。 获奖情况将于每期比赛结束后在幸运话费奖页面公布。 获奖规则请看比赛规则的第六部分。

May 14, 2012 SokoPlayer HTML5 updated. Use CTRL + mouse to select a rectangle block in the play mode, the program will count the number of boxes and goals in the selected block, and show them above the level. Please note that you may need to refresh/reload the webpage to make sure the browser fetches the updated files from the server.

Mar. 27, 2012 感谢生产鬼手魔方深圳市天能达电子有限公司长期对MF8推箱子比赛的赞助。

Feb. 27, 2012 As a by-product of SokoPlayer HTML5, I made a casual game called SokoLines HTML5.

Feb. 18, 2012 On the Past Competitions page, you can get the best solutions for a past competition level, if you provide a solution for that level in the query form.

Feb. 13, 2012 USokoban 0.0.10 released. Most of this update is contributed by Debian Developer Julian Gilbey.

Feb. 09, 2012 SokoPlayer HTML5 updated. Use HTML5 localStorage to save settings, levels and solutions. Use HTML5 File API to open local level files.

Feb. 02, 2012 SokoPlayer HTML5 updated. Make use of mouse right click, use right click to undo in play mode and to erase in edit mode. A simple go-thru feature similar to that of YSokoban has been implemented, now the man can go through the following 1-way passage:


Try the go-thru function with these two levels, make sure the ‘Go-Thru’ checkbox is checked to activate this function.

Jan. 30, 2012 SokoPlayer HTML5 updated. Several new features added: [Edit Mode] (1) selected block can be dragged, rotated or mirrored before pasting, (2) unlimited undos, (3) merge paste, [Player Mode] instant move.

Jan. 18, 2012 SokoPlayer HTML5 updated. SokoEditor has been merged into SokoPlayer, so switching between game mode and edit mode is easy.

Jan. 14, 2012 As the 31st competition level is the biggest ever, the submission deadline is extended to Feb. 13, 2012.

Jan. 12, 2012 SokoPlayer HTML5 updated. Share a level playable online with your friends with simply a link. Click here for more information.

Jan. 9, 2012 A wallpaper dedicated for sokoban.ws is available for download in different resolutions.


Dec. 26, 2011 We are working on automatically sending solutions to all participants when competition ends. I apologize if you receive duplicate emails. Also, if you submitted a solution to the 30th competition with your email address attached, but didn’t receive an email of solutions, please let us know. Thank you.

Nov. 25, 2011 The 30th competition is to celebrate the 8th anniversary of the MF8 forum.

Nov. 8, 2011 SokoFind v2.0 RC2 released.

Oct. 17, 2011 SokoFind v1.3b released.

Oct. 15, 2011 SokoFind v1.3 released.

Oct. 7, 2011 SokoFind v1.1b released.

Sep. 30, 2011 To keep the playing value of the competition levels, we decided not to show the LURD solutions when a competition ends. You can send an email to stopheart, anian or Yang Chao for the solutions.

Aug. 20, 2011 The source code for USokoban is available for download.

Aug. 7, 2011 歪推箱子(YSokoban)安装包更新到 v1.607

Jul. 29, 2011 若无法访问魔方吧论坛,请尝试使用新域名http://bbs.mf8-china.com

Jul. 19, 2011 新增我的博客,可以从导航菜单“About -> 我的博客”进入。




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